We have developed a fast and fully automatic method for the
segmentation of fiducial marks in an image. The location of the
fiducial mark can be obtained if the fiducial has symmetry property.
Therefore the process of interior orientation can be fully
automated. The initial segmentation was obtained by using
attribute-based morphology technique and it is shown to be a powerful
tool for image filtering and feature detection. The algorithm takes
about 0.25 seconds CPU time on a 160 130 sub image. The method
has the following advantages over other interior orientation methods:
1) minimal priori knowledge and input parameters;
2) does not have to use a fiducial mark database (if a database of
fiducial marks is available, least squares matching can be used
to obtain accurate location information);
3) totally automated fiducial location;
4) sub-pixel location accuracy; and
5) fast and reliable.
It will obviously open a scenario to perform fully automated interior orientation for those positive or negative images: taken from different cameras, scanned by different scanners, with different pixel size, and etc. The considered further work includes: 1) the segmentation for the most different fiducial marks such as Rollei camera's ``+'' fiducials; and 2) the internal decisive measure for self-diagnosis.